Contest Coming Soon by Ricky Dorn


I am excited to say that Ricky Dorn is putting on his first contest! I will be sharing the details very very soon! I'm anxious to see how it goes. I love contest so if it goes well I want to do another one haha. :) *comment below you might win something haha

"Chasing Pirates" Photoshoot by Ricky Dorn

I titled this shoot Chasing Pirates because the young women is out, in what looks like a fantasy land. She is out exploring, taking on new adventures. That and I am a big Norah Jones fan :) so naturally I took inspiration from her song.


Photographer: Ricky Dorn
Model: Kaylie Wilson
Hair and Makeup: Laura Coronado
Wardrobe stylist: Sinead Copley
Assistant Stylist: Derek Page

Ricky Dorn portrait Chasing Pirates fashion
Ricky Dorn portrait Chasing Pirates fashion
Ricky Dorn portrait Chasing Pirates fashion
Ricky Dorn portrait Chasing Pirates fashion

Support The Trade Makeup Workshop by Amy Clarke w/ Guess by Ricky Dorn

Last Month I went to a makeup workshop hosted by one of my good friends Amy Clarke. It was fun but as a guy knowing nothing about makeup, it was pretty complicated lol. The proceeds of the workshop when to "support the trade" an organization dedicated to help stop human trafficking. Two of the the other Artist that taught were Laura Coronado @Lauracoronado_mua and Daniel Marrone (@danieldoesmakeupnotmagic)